Sunday, March 11, 2012

Survival of the Fittest: Younger Siblings

    Surviving having younger siblings is not an easy task. Certain difficulties arise once a brother or sister comes along. Annoying siblings, bothersome siblings, siblings who constantly have to do everything better than you can.; they exist. Don't get me wrong, I love my brothers and sister, but unfortunately, just because I love them, doesn't mean they are any easier to live with. I've come to realize that other older brothers and sisters run into the same problems I do. So, I have decided to make available my extensive knowledge on how to survive younger siblings. May it enlighten you.

   So, let's go into the new big brother/big sister scenario. At first, the new baby seems cute and innocent, but before you know it, this younger brother/sister will be causing you trouble. The baby will get more attention than you, it'll cause you to have more chores such as diaper duty, babysitting, etc. All I have to say about this is, hang on, it's gonna get a whole lot worse. For example, the second they learn how to talk, your time spent with them is going to be a lot more tedious. Uninteresting stories of not much importance that go on forever and are difficult to follow are only the beginning. Next, your brother/sister will be tattling on you, blaming you for things that you have never done. He/she will sing annoying songs making fun of you and the way your new braces look. Whenever and wherever possible, younger siblings will try to make your life as difficult as they can. Just know that they do love you, as maddening as they are. Let us now examine how to survive the onslaught of annoying younger brothers/sisters.

   1) BE KIND: No matter how annoying they are, be patient and loving. Don't shoot back some annoying insult as a defense to the snide comment made regarding the zit that decided to camp out on your chin. Instead of telling them that it's better than being a midget, why don't you a) Ignore them. (It's not that hard...) or b) Say thank you. I bet that'll catch 'em off guard. The key is making it less fun to annoy you. If they don't get the response they are looking for, chances are good that they'll leave you alone.

   2) BE COOL: If your brother/sister has respect for you and thinks you are cool, they might be less prone to insulting you in front of your best friend. So take them with you to the movies, share your stuff with them, etc. Being cool = Being embarrassed in front of your girlfriend.

   3) DO NOT BE SUPERIOR: Think about it, they only want a friend in you. They aren't looking for someone to monitor their sugar intake or someone to make sure that they're not playing video games 24/7. Therefore, if you don't try to be their parent, they'll automatically like you better. It's that simple.

   In closing, I just want to say that, no matter what, your brothers/sisters love you. To them, your a hero. But it's possible to be a hero who neglects his powers. So don't. They'll have some much more respect for you that way. Who knows? Maybe you'll even get along!

One final piece of advice...

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely said. Though it was hard for me, because I was the YOUNGER sibling! I don't think I was annoying in any way to MY sister, hee hee. Another blog I'll have to share with my boys... especially the oldest one!
