Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Movie Review: The Passion of the Christ

   Today, I am reviewing Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ. This is a difficult movie to review for several reasons, but I will do my best. This Friday is Good Friday, the day which marks Jesus' death upon the Cross. The Passion of the Christ is the perfect movie to be watched on Good Friday night. It reminds us of Christ's sacrifice that we might have eternal life with Him in Heaven.

   The story of Christ's Passion is obviously taken from the Bible, so the story itself is not tampered with. Screenplay is well put together, and the lines flow well. The entire movie is set in Aramaic and Latin with English subtitles, which gets points for artistic originality. The costumes are well done, and as far as I know, true to the period. Directing is good, camera positions are well set up. Over all, aesthetically, the movie gets about 4 out of 5 stars.

   Some points to note are the 'R' rating. Definitely, this movie is not something to share with kids under the age of 12. The movie is bloody and gory, but let's bear in mind what the movie is about. The Passion of the Christ looks to accurately recount just that; Jesus' crucifixion and last few hours of life before. This subject, Jesus' death, is one to be treated with respect. To say that the movie is awesome and really cool would be disrespectful, seeing as this is a true story of God dying for our sins. But I would be remiss to say that this movie is not a good one. It inspires and rouses the soul. It makes one ask the Lord for forgiveness, and strengthen their resolve to not sin again. So, despite its controversial gory depiction of the flogging and crucifixion of Jesus, The Passion of the Christ definitely succeeds in strengthening the spiritual relationship between man and God. I absolutely recommend it.

~Ian James~

1 comment:

  1. Well thank-you for the review! First off, sadly, your picture did not show up on my screen, not sure if it's just me or all. Now second, I have been wanting to see this moive for a while, but just need to find the time (I know, bad!). My husband, who does love Jesus very much, has no interest on seeing at... at this time (I have hope that some day he will, hee hee). I also think it's because of the subtitles. We both think it's great that Mel did it that way, but is a reason for me to not jump to see it. Reason, because I can't read that fasy and watch the movie. Yes, I'm weird.

    So last, thank you for putting an "age" on the movie. Both of my boys (10 & 13) have suggested to see the movie on Good Friday... love the idea, but know it's not right for them... and again, those darn subtitles. So glad I have someone on my side with that, hee hee.

    Again, thanks for the review and I just might make it this year to see it Friday! Happy Easter! Have a blessed day!
